Author: Jared Diamond {Coverage: Evolutionary Biology and its relation to Geography Climate and Human evolution in general}
1)Guns Germs & Steel {Just outstanding... I could not stop reading this one}
2) The Last Chimpanzee
Author: Malcolm Gladwell {Philosophy: How little things can make a large difference, Why a small edge can lead to great Success}
1)The Tipping Point
... Anything else he can or will write
Author: Nassim Nicolas Taleb {Philosophy: Why tail events are so hard to predict and why they are extremely important - Turkey economics. The dichotomy of efficiency vs. robustness and much much more}
1) Fooled by Randomness
2) The black swan
Note: Dr. Taleb also happens to be my professor and has been a great infulence on my interest in extreme events and probability. You can gain insight into some of his views @
Author: Gary Hamel {Content: Mostly management - Collaboration over competition, Democracy as a management style}
1) The future of Management {Managing innovation and betting for success}
2) Competing for the Future {with CK Prahlad}
Author: Phil Rosenzweig
1) The Halo effect: and the Eight Other Business Delusions That Deceive Managers {Philosophy: Why one must not confuse causality & correlation}
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